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Effects of Implementation of Healthy City Project on the Establishment of Public Policies and the Improvement of Healthy City Indicators: Tainan Experience

  • Views:Views:1853
  • Last updated:Last updated:2015/01/28
  • Publish date:Publish date:2015/01/28
Began in July, 2003, Tainan healthy city project has established the steering committee, finished a healthy city white paper for the city, helped the government to compile related budgets and developed 21 demonstrated plans. In addition, the project has also finished set up healthy city policies and collected related indicators. The purpose of this study are: 1) to collect the built policies and to analyze whether they are accorded with healthy public policy and how the present situation is, 2) to find out the influence of healthy city project on healthy city indicators, and to understand the possible problems and strategies, 3) to discuss the possibility of establishing a healthy cities alliance in Taiwan, 4) to hold Healthy City workshop to share the experiences with each other, 5) to promote international cooperation and exchange. Methods include: a) literature review and analysis, b) policies and laws analysis, c) statistical data collection, d) questionnaire surveys and interviews, e) forum, panel discussion, f) study groups and workshop, g) internet and city intercommunication. The benefits of this study include: 1) to comprehend the content of public policy about health city, 2) to find out the effects of Tainan healthy city projects, 3) to help other cities to promote health city plans and share experiences, 4) to participate international healthy city conference and show off our results.