1. Recently, there have been many cases of suspected e-cigarette-related lung injury (EVALI, e-cigarette or vaping product use-associated lung injury) abroad. As of February 18, 2020, the United States has accumulated a total of 2807 cases, including 68 deaths. 80% of the cases are younger than 35 years old.
2. Although EVALI is not an injury or illness that is compulsory to be reported by Taiwan law, in order to protect the health of Taiwanese people and use those reports as references for e-cigarette management policy of Taiwan, medical institutions are suggested to assist in the process of monitoring reports. "Guidelines for handling suspected e-cigarette-related lung injury cases" is a given form for reporting such suspected cases.
3. Please download the guidelines from the "Electronic Cigarette Control Zone" of HPA. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Ou of the Tobacco Control Division of HPA. Contact number: 02-25220566
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