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Smoking ban in pedestrian walkway near Grand Central Station in Taipei

  • Views:Views:1881
  • Last updated:Last updated:2015/01/27
  • Publish date:Publish date:2012/11/12
In the wake of smoking ban around sidewalks around schools in Taipei, another ban took effect in pedestrian walkway near Grand Central Station (GCS). Smokers are pushed a few steps further.

With bustling buses, subways and department stores, some 40,000 people moved around the GCS daily. Effective immediately, a fine of NTD2,000 (USD68.4) and 10,000 (USD342) will be levied on smokers smoking in pedestrian walkway.

Ming-Yi Li (李明義), manager of the GCS, indicated that he placed red lines for no smoking areas but to no avail. With city ordinance, he hopes the second hand smoking will be reduced substantially. He received complaints that many passive smokers felt nauseated and dizziness amid the smoking cloud. Not everyone liked the smoking ban. A smoker said the ban will not put him off from smoking.

Cai-Jiu Li (李財久), a nearby district head, personally pointed out that willpower is crucial to smoking cessation. Forty years ago, Li was a heavy smoker who smoked more than one pack per day. He quit after making a bet with his friend to treat the one who could successfully quit.

The department‘s health promotion division chief, Li-Ju Lin (林莉茹) said, Taipei City has given out 102 fines for smoking violations from 2009 to date, generating more than NTD189,000 (USD) in revenue.