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The Menopause Consultation Hotline “0800-00-5107”

  • Views:Views:1431
  • Last updated:Last updated:2024/04/09
  • Publish date:Publish date:2019/11/04

Ms. Liu, aged 47 years, is currently experiencing uncomfortable menopausal symptoms such as night sweats, hot flashes, heart palpitations and irregular menstrual cycles. In addition, she also experiences emotional changes like fatigue and tired, memory problem, and anxiety. Having faced with the uncomfortable symptoms and seeking emotional support, Ms. Liu decided to call the toll-free “Menopause Consultation Hotline (0800-00-5107)". She stated that the phone consultation was a very pleasant experience, she was able to speak freely about her problems and health information provided was very helpful. Ms. Liu now feels confident and positive during the menopausal transition. 

Understand the onset of menopause, Call theMenopause Consultation Hotline (0800-00-5107) "  

The Health Promotion Administration set up the “Menopause Consultation Hotline (0800-00-5107)" for more ten years, and is dedicated to helping women to understand and solve the physical and psychological changes related to menopause, and the possible discomfort symptoms. The toll-free menopause consultation hotline has answered more than 100,000 calls over the past ten years. In 2018, the total number of calls reached were 6,402, with most common signs of menopause are physical symptoms (such as palpitations, hot flushes, etc.), sleep disturbance (such as insomnia), and psychological symptoms (fatigue and tired, mood swings, etc.).  

Taking good care of your health during menopause 

As individual undergoes menopause, the body gradually changes with age, physical and psychological changes such as heart palpitations, hot flashes, fatigue are common vasodilation symptoms that may occur. The Health Promotion Administration provides some simple self-care methods to help individuals reducing the symptoms of menopause: 

1.     Maintain a balanced diet: Meals should be taken at regular interval. A low fat, high fiber, and high calcium diet is recommended. Avoid sugary drinks, and high calorie foods. Whole grains and estrogen boosting foods, such as soybeans and related products, may help to reduce menopausal discomforts.  

2.     Exercise Regularly: Regular exercise, with at least 30 minutes a day, may reduce the chance of arteriosclerosis and improve quality of life. Maintain a healthy lifestyle and avoid negative thoughts or feelings.   

3.     Stay calm: Gentle and relaxing activities such as breathing exercises or taking a warm bath before bedtime can aid in sleep. Any strenuous activities that may affect the quality of sleep should be avoided. 

Toll-free menopause consultation hotline can help  

Dr. Ying-Wei Wang, Director General, of the Health Promotion Administration, stated that the toll-free "Menopause Consultation Hotline 0800-00-5107" is available from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Specialists are available to assist individuals with menopause inquires and provide a personalized health consultation service to those in needs.


The "Menopause Health Consultation Hotline (0800-00-5107)" has been suspended. If you have any questions, please visit the Health 99 website ( for more information, thank you.