The Artificial Reproduction Act (ARA)was promulgated and implemented on March 21, 2007 and aimed to perfect thedevelopment of assisted reproduction technology and to safeguard the rights ofinfertile couples, children born under assisted reproduction and donors, aswell as to uphold public ethics and health. According to Article 27 of the ARA,artificial reproduction institutions are obliged to report relevant informationregarding the number of patients undergoing treatment, success rates, causes ofinfertility, and the assisted reproduction technology adopted. The competentauthority shall establish an assisted reproduction database and periodicallyconduct statistical analyses as well as publish updated data accordingly.
Laws and regulations governing themanagement of the practices and database of assisted reproduction in Taiwanregion have been prescribed continually since 1995. In early 1998, a total of48 artificial reproduction institutions were established in Taiwan; by July2015, the number of licensed medical institutions had reached 78 totally. Inaccordance with the provisions of the Artificial Reproduction Act, thesemedical institutions are required to apply for approval from the competentauthority before engaging in assisted reproduction treatment practices and theacceptance, storage, or provision of reproductive cell donations. In order tomaintain the quality of assisted reproduction technology performed in medicalinstitutions, the Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health andWelfare has regularly conducted permit reviews on all licensed artificialreproduction institutions.
This report focuses on the statisticalanalysis for cases that had been treated in the 73 artificial reproduction institutionsin Taiwan (2013). Chapter 1 briefly introduces the assisted reproductionmethods and treatment cycles. Chapter 2 presents the statistics for all cyclesof treatment, including data for assisted reproduction using fresh non-donoreggs, sperm or embryos and data about the egg/sperm recipients. Chapter 3conducts an analysis of assisted reproduction using fresh non-donor eggs, spermor embryos. In order to present the diverse implications of the collected data,this chapter was divided into various sections based on all types of cyclesperformed on married couples, In Vitro Fertilization (or IVF for short) andfresh non-donor eggs embryo transfer techniques independently performed onmarried couples, and the transfer of frozen embryos on married couples. Chapter4 shows the analysis for the age, acceptance rate, and live birth rate of womenwho accepted donor eggs in assisted reproduction treatment. Chapter 5 presentsan analysis of the trends in the practice during the period of 1998 to 2013.
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