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Has the age limit for amniocentesis subsidy provided by Ministry of Health and Welfare lowered to 30 years for pregnant women?

  • Views:Views:1833
  • Last updated:Last updated:2019/10/25
  • Publish date:Publish date:2019/10/24

At present, Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) provides subsidy for Amniocentesis for pregnant women of age 34 years and above. This was comprehensively set through the review of empirical evidences of mothers of age 34 years and above suspected with risk for Down's syndrome of 1/460, probability of miscarriage, international practices and public opinion. In addition, MOHW also provides subsidy to pregnant women below 34 years of age, categorized as having indications for high risk genetic disease by physician’s evaluation (including: a history of genetic disorder in her, her spouse or family members, previous child with abnormality, serum screening of pregnant women suspected with risk of chromosomal abnormality greater than 1/270, fetus abnormality detected through ultrasound, or suspected genetic disease etc.).

Based on the empirical data and scientific evidence, amniocentesis may cause a miscarriage rate of 0.1%-0.2% and a risk of newborn injury of 0.05%. Therefore, it is recommended to receive the inspection only when the probability of congenital abnormality in pregnant women and fetuses is greater than the probability of detecting complications. The pregnant women should decide whether to receive the examination only after a thorough explanation and understanding of the procedure by the physician.


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Update : 2025/02/10