Including Taiwan, 166 cities and 45 non-governmental organizations joined the Alliance for Healthy Cities (AFHC) supported by the WHO Western Pacific Regional Office. The Health Promotion Administration cooperated with all counties and cities to promote the achievements of healthy cities since 2003. In 2014, all counties and cities in Taiwan became the age-friendly cites. We currently integrating the concepts of age-friendly community, dementia-friendly community and compassionate city, combining policy, people, empowerment, service and environment, to build comprehensive friendly and compassionate communities and cities.
However the global environment has changed since the ideal of health cities was proposed, not only the government of cities and concerns about health inequality but the health cities also has consider that the human health is indivisible from ecology. The view of point that the ecological factors should be included in the element of health cities has been proposed, and thus the health cities upgrades to health city 2.0.