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September 3-5:HPA-sponsored John Tung Foundation held the “9th Cross Strait Conference on Tobacco Control” at National Taiwan Hospital International Convention Center to promote exchanges between Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau on results in tobacco control. It also served as a declaration of Taiwan’s adherence to the norms detailed in the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC). The event was attended by WHO senior policy advisor Judith Mackay, International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project founder Dr. Geoffrey Fong and other experts who presented papers on preventing tobacco use among young people, smoking cessation services, hookah, electronic cigarettes etc. The HPA delivered a paper on “The Current Situation and Prospects for Tobacco Control Policy in Taiwan.” This details how Taiwan had implemented FCTC rules, experiences in promoting tobacco control, important results and future prospects for the comprehensive revision of the Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act. A total of 423 participants took part in the conference including 367 from Taiwan, with 94 papers submitted (52 from Taiwan).

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  • Modify Date:Modify Date:2023/03/08
  • Publish Date:Publish Date:2017/09/03