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Preventing Heat-Related Illness

  • Views:Views:1306
  • Last updated:Last updated:2024/10/14
  • Publish date:Publish date:2024/07/08

●6 High-Risk Groups

      Although heat-related illness can affect everyone, some people are at greater risk than others. These include infant and young children, people 65 years of age or older, people with chronic illnesses, people on medicine, those who work outside (such as food delivery workers or athletes), and people who are overweight. Because of the high temperatures, these high-risk groups are more susceptible to heat-related illness.


●3 Tips to Prevent Heat-Related Injuries

To prevent heat-related injuries, please note the following:

1.Stay Cool:

(1) Choose lightweight, light-colored, loose-fitting, and breathable clothes.

(2) Never leave infant and young children alone in a closed, parked car, regardless of the duration.

(3) Stay indoors in cool, well-ventilated, or air-conditioned places whenever possible. If there is no air conditioning at home, consider going to public places with air conditioning during periods of high temperature.

(4) Install window shades and blackout curtains indoors to avoid direct sunlight and turn off unnecessary lights and electrical appliances to prevent generating more heat.

(5) Employers should enhance ventilation or use air conditioners to isolate high-temperature facilities at the workplace and provide cooling devices to reduce heat exposure in the work area.

2.Stay Hydrated:

(1) Maintain hydration at all times, regardless of your level of physical activity and do not wait until you feel thirsty. Develop the habit of drinking at least 2,000 cc of plain water daily. However, if a doctor advises limited fluid intake, consult them about the appropriate amount to drink in hot weather.

(2) Those who work outside or are athletes should drink 2 to 4 cups (240 cc per cup) of plain water per hour and avoid smoke and alcohol.

(3) Consume adequate fruits and vegetables. They are high in water, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber, all of which can help to improve your health.

(4) Avoid drinks with alcohol and high sugar content to prevent dehydration.

(5) Avoid drinking extremely cold water to prevent stomach discomfort.

3.Stay Vigilant:

(1) Monitor your own and colleagues' physical condition during outdoor activities, take proper breaks, and maintain hydration.

(2) Infants, young children, and elderly individuals should avoid outdoor activities between 10 AM and 2 PM. If necessary, stay in shaded areas, use sunscreen, and wear wide-brimmed hats and sunglasses.

(3) Keep an indoor thermometer to monitor the temperature, avoid excessive heat, and stay updated with weather forecasts to plan outdoor activities on cooler days.

(4) Ensure that air conditioning and related equipment at home and work are in good working condition.

(5) In work environments, employers should provide a suitable work environment and related protective measures, promote heat injury prevention, adjust work schedules, and arrange relevant courses to help employees recognize the symptoms of heat injuries and strengthen preventive actions.


Taipei Office


No.36, Tacheng St., Datong Dist., Taipei City 103205, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Taichung Office


6F., No.95, Mincyuan Rd., West District, Taichung City 403305, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

This website is funded by government general budget of Health Promotion Administration.

Update : 2025/02/10