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Kidney disease prevention and care

  • Views:Views:4736
  • Last updated:Last updated:2021/08/05
  • Publish date:Publish date:2015/01/29
1.Completed the three-year renal disease care, prevention, and treatment plan.

2. Promote the medical professional training on kidney disease

3. Published the kidney care educational materials
(1) Kidney Care booklets, fact sheets, posters, videos, etc
(2) Kidney Disease Care Booklet (Excluding individuals on dialysis)

4. Set up Chronic Kidney Disease Health Promotion Institutes at 196 medical care institutions to increase public awareness on kidney care, and decrease the prevalence of End-Stage Renal Disease.

5.Establish the research on kidney disease
(1) Establish a renal care model within medical organizations which provides integrated and multidisciplinary treatment regimen and education program for patients with chronic kidney diseases. (2003)
(2) Taiwan renal registry of End-Stage Renal Disease patients and establishment of clinical performance measures. (2003)
(3) Epidemiological study of End-Stage Renal Disease patients in Taiwan: ten years survey. (2003)
(4) Establish the Hemodialysis Clinical Practice Guideline and Hemodialysis Procedure Guideline in Taiwan.(2003)
(5) The study was to explore the knowledge, attitude and behavior for renal health care in general population.(2004)
(6). Develop an experimental plan for the prevention and treatment of kidney diseases as well as the management for kidney care in the community: With the community as a unit, early signs of the disease are to be detected and follow-up management implemented.(2006)

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This website is funded by government general budget of Health Promotion Administration.

Update : 2025/01/17