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Health for children and adolescents

Health for children and adolescents

English Chinese
Health for children and adolescents 兒童及青少年保健
Health for adolescents 青少年保健
Health promotion for adolescents 青少年健康促進
Vision Health 視力保健
Sexual Health promotion for adolescents 青少年性健康促進
Sex education 性教育

Adolescent sex education program

English Chinese
Physical and mental health problems 身心保健問題
reproduction 生殖
safe-sex behavior 安全性行為
World Population Day 世界人口日

Adolescent sex education FAQ

English Chinese
Sexual Experience 性經驗
Sequela 後遺症
Pregnancy 懷孕
Termination of Pregnancy 墮胎
Sexually Transmitted Diseases 性病
Masturbation 自慰
Having A Relationship 交往

Introduction for adolescent website

English Chinese
secondary sex characteristics 第二性徵
puberty 青春期(身體)
adolescent, teenager 青少年

Health services for adolescents

English Chinese
Adolescent Health Care Service 青少年保健服務
secondary sex characteristics 第二性徵
Fertility Health Care 生育保健
Adolescent Friendly Medical Institution 青少年親善照護機構

Toddler Vision Health

English Chinese
amblyopia 弱視
strabismus 斜視
refractive error 屈光不正
myopia; nearsightedness 近視
hyperopia; farsightedness 遠視
astigmatism; distorted vision 散光
cross eye; cockeye; esotropia 鬥雞眼
Random-dot Stereogram (RDS) 亂點立體圖
retinal detachment 視網膜剝離
Presenile cataract 早年性白內障
glaucoma 青光眼
macular hole 黃斑裂孔
macular hemorrhage 黃斑出血
macular degeneration 黃斑退化
high myopia 高度近視
Snellen chart 視力表
ophthalmologist 眼科醫師

Guidelines for the establishment of Child Health Promotion Committee of the Ministry of Health and Welfare

English Chinese
Guidelines for the establishment of Child Health Promotion Committee of the Ministry of Health and Welfare 衛生福利部兒童健康推展會設置要點
public health 公衛
Physical and Mental Development 身心發展
Children's physical and mental development 兒童身心發展
Children's growth environment 兒童成長環境
Children's health care 兒童醫療保健
Children's Healthcare Policy 兒童保健醫療政策
Children's health policy white paper 兒童健康政策白皮書