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Maternal and Child Health

Maternal and Child Health

English Chinese
Maternal and Child Health 婦幼健康
Promotion of women's rights and women's health policies 婦女權益促進及婦女健康政策
Infant and child health 嬰幼兒保健
Prevention of rare diseases 罕見疾病防治
Assisted Reproduction Act 人工生殖法案
Promotion of breastfeeding 母乳哺育推廣
Genetic health measures (newborn screening, prenatal diagnosis, genetic testing, genetic counseling) 優生保健服務(新生兒篩檢、產前遺傳診斷、優生健康檢查、遺傳性疾病檢查與諮詢)
international cooperation for maternal and child health or family planning 婦幼衛生或家庭計畫國際交流事務
postnatal nursing institution 產後護理機構
postnatal health care center 坐月子中心
excessive medical intervention 過度醫療措施介入
planned caesarean birth 計畫性剖腹
fetal heart rate deceleration 胎心音減速
fetal distress 胎兒窘迫
public health tracking management system 公衛體系追蹤管理系統
extremely low birth weight premature infant 極低體重早產兒
developmental delay in children 發展遲緩兒童

The benefits of breastfeeding and how to do it

English Chinese
unsaturated fatty acid 不飽和脂肪酸
lactic acid 乳糖
diarrhea 腹瀉
constipation 便秘
taurine 牛磺酸
immunity 免疫抗病能力
antibody 抗體
immune cells 免疫細胞
fat 脂肪
the lower jaw 下顎
tongue 舌頭
distortion of oral cavity 口腔變形
improper tooth arrangement 齒列不正
oxytocin 催産素
postpartum complication 產後併發症
ovulation 排卵
menstrual period 月經
contraception 避孕
breast cancer 乳腺癌
ovarian cancer 卵巢癌
areola 乳暈
galactophore 乳竇
mammary tissue 乳腺組織

Breastfeeding Special Article

English Chinese
gold standard 黃金標準
Breast Feeding 母乳哺育
formula 人工配方奶
acute diarrhea 急性腹瀉
respiratory tract infection 呼吸道感染
otitis media 中耳炎
allergic diseases 過敏性疾病
obesity 肥胖
ovarian cancer 卵巢癌
World Health Organization 世界衛生組織
The United Nations Children's Fund 聯合國兒童基金會
complementary feeding 副食品
colostrum 初乳
pacifier 安撫奶嘴

prenatal diagnosis and genetic testing

English Chinese
genetic diseases 遺傳性疾病
prenatal diagnosis 產前遺傳診斷
amniocentesis 羊膜穿刺
genetic testing 遺傳性疾病檢查
gentic and rare disease testing insititution 遺傳性及罕見疾病檢驗機構
Thalassemia 海洋性貧血
Down's Syndrome 唐氏症
Genetic consultations 遺傳諮詢
Genetic counseling center 遺傳諮詢中心
Subsidy 補助
high-risk 高風險
follow-up 追蹤

Assisted Reproductive Technology

English Chinese
ART, Assisted Reproductive Technology 人工生殖技術
sperm, oocyte, embryo 精、卵、胚胎
infertility 不孕症
reproductive cell 生殖細胞
Reproductive Medicine 生殖醫學
sperm injection 精子注入術
AIH, Artificial Insemination by Husband 配偶間人工授精
oocyte retrieval 取卵
IVF/ET,In Vitro Fertilization 體外受精
GIFT,Gamete Intra-fallopian Transfer 輸卵管內精卵置入術
embryo transfer 胚胎植入
congenital metabolic diseases 先天性代謝異常疾病
thalassemia 海洋性貧血
cytogenetical exmainations 血液細胞遺傳學檢驗
ovulation 排卵
Subcutaneous injection (SC injection) 皮下注射
Intravenous injection (IV injection) 靜脈注射
intramuscular injection (IM injection) 肌肉注射
lutein 黃體素
Clomid 克羅米芬
artificial insemination 人工授精
natural conception 自然受孕

Women's Health Policy

English Chinese
Women's Health Policy 婦女健康政策
Reproductive health 性健康(或稱生殖健康)
Gender Mainstreaming 性別主流化
Fourth World Conference on Women 第四屆婦女大會
Health for All. In The Twenty-first Century. 21世紀全民健康計畫
over-medicalization 過度醫療化
gender blind 性別盲
Physical Fitness 體適能
Halth-Related Physical Fitness 健康體能
body image 體型意識
Occupational health / workplace health 職場健康
health equality 健康公平性
gender equality 性別平等
Department of Gender and Women's Health , GWH 性別暨婦女健康部
Framework of Women's Health Policies 婦女健康政策綱領
Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion 渥太華憲章

Importance of child development

English Chinese
Child Development 幼兒發展
Health Checkups 健康檢查
Developmental Delay 發展遲緩
department of pediatric neurology 小兒神經科
child development assessment 兒童發展評估
parents' record items 家長記錄事項

Newborn Screening

English Chinese
Newborn Screening 新生兒篩檢
Tandem Mass Spectrometry (MS/MS) 串聯質譜儀
Congenital Metabolic Disorder; Inborn errors of metabolism 先生性代謝疾病
chromosome aberrations 染色體異常
Single gene inherited disorder 單基因遺傳疾病
Polygenic gene inherited disorder 多基因遺傳疾病
deformity-causing factors 致畸胎因素
blood-filtering paper 濾紙血片
Congenital hypothyroidism (CHT) 先天性甲腺低能症
homocystinuria 高胱氨酸尿症
glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency; G6PD deficiency 葡萄糖-6-磷酸鹽去氫酶缺乏症
Favism 蠶豆症
Latency Period; incubation period 潛伏期
Huntington's Disease 亨汀頓舞蹈症
Neurofibromatosis; NF 神經纖維瘤症

G6PD (glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency) Health Education Handbook

English Chinese
Health Educational Booklet 衛教手冊
hemolysis 溶血
acute hemolysis 急性溶血
G6PD notes for attention card G6PD缺乏症注意事項卡
exchange transfusion 換血治療
camphor ball; moth ball 樟腦丸
Naphthalene ball 萘丸
gentian violet 龍膽紫(紫藥水)
mutation 突變

G6PD (glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency) notes for attention card

English Chinese
Anti-malarial 抗瘧疾
Sulfamethazine 磺胺劑
Nitrofurans 硝基呋喃類
multi-etiological primary carcinoma 多重原發性腫瘤
rectosigmoid junction 乙狀結腸連結部

Breaking the myth of fever

English Chinese
Septicemia; Sepsis 敗血症
Immune system 免疫系統
cranial nerves 腦神經
Nervous tissue 神經組織
encephalitis 腦炎
meningitis 腦膜炎
ice pillow 冰枕
white blood cell 白血球
Metabolic Disease 代謝疾病
Heart-Lung Disease 心肺疾病
Anemia 貧血
Metabolic mechanism 代謝機制
cardiorespiratory failure; heart-lung failure 心肺衰竭

What to pay attention to when your child is sick

English Chinese
running nose 流鼻水
coughing 咳嗽
Diarrhea 腹瀉
Otitis Media; Tympanitis 中耳炎
Sinusitis 鼻竇炎
Shortness of breath 呼吸急促
gastrointestinal obstruction 胃腸道阻塞

Standards for Establishment and Administration of Public Breastfeeding (Collecting) Rooms

English Chinese
Breastfeeding (Collecting) Room 哺(集)乳室
Standards for Establishment and Administration of Public Breastfeeding (Collecting) Rooms 哺(集)乳室設置標準

Fetal ultrasound screening information form

English Chinese
Fetal Ultrasound Screening 胎兒超音波篩檢
Non-invasive 非侵襲性
metabolic abnormalities 代謝異常
Down's Syndrome 唐氏症
chromosomal abnormalities 染色體異常
Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) 心室中隔缺損
aortic arch 動脈弓
neural tube defect 神經管缺損
congenital diaphragmatic defect 先天性橫膈膜缺損
Cleft palate 顎裂
Tracheoesophageal fistula (T-E fistula) 食道氣管廔管
Hypospadias 尿道下裂
Cryptorchidism 隱睪症
Imperforate anus 無肛症
microcephaly 小頭症
hypoplastic mandible 小下巴
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) 肺支氣管發育不良
hydrops fetalis syndrome 胎兒水腫症
Megacolon 巨腸症
polydactyly 多指(趾)症
Syndactyly 併指(趾)
Congenital Heart Diseases 先天性心臟病
Atrial septal defect (ASD) 心房中隔缺損
Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) 開放性動脈導管
anomalous pulmonary venous return 肺靜脈回流異常
Pulmonary Stenosis 肺動脈瓣膜狹窄

Rare Diseases

English Chinese
Logistics Center of special nutritional foods and Emergency Orphan Drug for Rare Disease 罕見疾病特殊營養食品暨緊急需用藥物物流中心
Regulations Governing Subsidies for Rare Diseases Medical Care Expenses 罕病醫療照護費用補助辦法
Rare Disease and Orphan Drugs Act 罕見疾病防治及藥物法
National Health Insurance Act 全民健康保險法
Special Nutritional foods 特殊營養食品
Congenital Metabolic Disorder 先天性代謝異常
Program for International Rare Diseases Medical Cooperation on Examination Service 罕見疾病國際醫療合作代行檢驗服務方案
Suspected Cases 疑似病例
The Review Committee for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs 罕見疾病及藥物審議會
specimen 檢體
single window 單一窗口
mutation point 突變點
Taiwan Foundation for Rare Disorders 財團法人罕見疾病基金會
Prenatal checkup 產前檢查

Maternal health care

English Chinese
pregnant woman 孕婦
reproduction regulation 生育調節
maternal reproductive health 孕產婦生育保健
Maternal Health Booklet 孕婦健康手冊
prenatal complication 產前合併症
gestational diabetes mellitus 妊娠糖尿病
lying-in woman/postpartum women 產婦
Normal Spontaneaus Delivery 自然產
delivery/labor/childbirth 生產
caesarens section 剖腹產

Fetility regulation of new immigrants

English Chinese
new immigrants 新住民
reproductive Health Care Interpreter 生育保健通譯員
Guidance and Assistance Fund for Foreign Spouses 外籍配偶照顧輔導基金

Genetic health

English Chinese
Genetic Health Act 優生保健法
Regulations Governing the Reduction of Expenses, Exemption or Subsidization of Genetic Health Measures 優生保健措施減免或補助費用辦法
stillbirth 死產
sterilization 結紮
Abortion 人工流產
Family Planning 生育計畫

Referral and follow-up rate of abnormal vision, strabismus and amblyopia screened preschool children.

English Chinese
Referral and follow-up rate of abnormal vision, strabismus and amblyopia screened preschool children. 學前兒童視力及斜弱視篩檢異常個案轉介追蹤率

Taipei Office


No.36, Tacheng St., Datong Dist., Taipei City 103205, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Taichung Office


6F., No.95, Mincyuan Rd., West District, Taichung City 403305, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

This website is funded by government general budget of Health Promotion Administration.

Update : 2025/02/10