Tobacco Control
English |
Chinese |
WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, FCTC |
世界衛生組織菸草控制框架公約 |
World Health Organization, WHO |
世界衛生組織 |
World Health Assembly, WHA |
世界衛生大會 |
Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act |
菸害防制法 |
The Tobacco and Alcohol Administration Act |
菸酒管理法 |
Tobacco Control Project |
菸害防制計畫 |
Tobacco Control |
菸害防制 |
Tobacco Health and Welfare Surcharges |
菸品健康福利捐 |
Tobacco Tax |
菸稅 |
Tobacco Litigation |
菸害訴訟 |
Tobacco Prices |
菸價 |
Tobacco Products Testing |
菸品檢測 |
Tobacco Products |
菸草製品 |
Illicit Trade of Tobacco Products |
菸品非法貿易 |
Inspection And Enforcement for the Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act |
菸害防制法稽查及執行 |
Labeling of Tobacco Products |
菸品標示 |
Pictorial Health Warnings on Tobacco Packages |
菸盒警示圖文 |
Complaints on Tobacco Hazards |
菸害申訴 |
Complaints on Tobacco Hazards Hotline |
菸害申訴專線 |
Smoking-free Areas |
禁菸區 |
Authorized Advertisements |
授權廣告 |
Cigarettes |
捲菸 |
Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems, ENDS |
電子尼古丁傳送系統 |
Electronic Non-nicotine Delivery Systems (ENNDS) |
電子非尼古丁傳送系統 |
Electronic Cigarette, E-cigarette |
電子煙 |
Flavored Cigarette |
加味菸 |
Named Sponsorship |
冠名贊助 |
Smoking Cessation Services
English |
Chinese |
Smoking Cessation |
戒菸 |
Smoking Cessation Services |
戒菸服務 |
Multiple Smoking-Cessation Counseling Service |
多元化戒菸服務 |
Smokers' Helpline |
戒菸專線 |
Smoking Cessation Courses |
戒菸班 |
Second Generation Smoking Cessation Service |
二代戒菸服務 |
Nicotine Replacement Therapy, Nrt |
尼古丁替代療法 |
Nicotine Lozenge |
尼古丁嚼錠 |
Nicotine Patch |
尼古丁貼片 |
Nicotine Gum |
尼古丁口香糖 |
Nicotine |
尼古丁 |
Inhaler |
吸入劑 |
Withdrawal Symptoms |
戒斷症狀 |
Outpatient Smoking Cessation Services |
門診戒菸 |
Smoke-free Environment
English |
Chinese |
Tobacco Hazard |
菸害 |
Second-hand Smoke, SHS |
二手菸 |
Third-hand Smoke |
三手菸 |
Non-smoking Places |
禁菸場所 |
Non-smoking Area, No Smoking Area |
禁菸區 |
Smoke-free Area |
無菸區 |
Smoke-free Environment |
無菸環境 |
Smoke-free Campus |
無菸校園 |
Tobacco-free Hospitals |
無菸醫院 |
Smoke-free Family |
無菸家庭 |
Smoke-free Life |
無菸生活 |
Tobacco-free Home 3D Gamebook |
無菸的家立體遊戲書 |
Anti-tobacco-marketing Programs |
反菸品行銷計畫 |
World No Tobacco Day |
世界無菸日 |
Project for Tobacco Control Work in Youth Group Area |
年輕族群場域菸害防制工作計畫 |
Campus Tobacco Hazards Prevention Program |
校園菸害防制計畫 |
Global Network for Tobacco-free Healthcare Services |
全球無菸健康照護服務網絡 |
Research, Development and Monitoring
English |
Chinese |
Research, Development and Monitoring |
研究發展與監測 |
Global Health Professionals Survey, GHPS |
全球衛生專業人員吸菸調查 |
Global School Personnel Survey, GSPS |
全球學校教職員吸菸調查 |
Global Tobacco Surveillance System, GTSS |
全球吸菸監測系統 |
Long-Term Smoking Behavior Monitoring System |
長期吸菸行為監測系統 |
Adult Smoking Behavior Survey, ASBS |
成人吸菸行為調查 |
Global Youth Tobacco Survey, GYTS |
全球青少年吸菸行為調查 |
Tobacco Product Testing and Research Program |
菸品檢測暨研究發展計畫 |
Tobacco Information Declaration System |
菸品資料申報系統 |
Smoking Rate |
吸菸率 |
Smoking-cessation Rate |
戒菸率 |
The Smoking Rate of Adults above the Age of 18 |
18歲以上人口吸菸率 |
Human Resource Training
English |
Chinese |
Human Resource Training |
人力培育 |
Health Education |
衛生教育 |
Human Resource Training And International Cooperation |
人力培育與國際交流合作 |
County/City Tobacco Hazards Exchange Workshop |
縣市菸害防制交流工作坊 |
Tobacco Control Policy and Promotion Committee of Ministry of Health and Welfare
English |
Chinese |
Tobacco Control Policy and Promotion Committee of Ministry of Health and Welfare |
衛生福利部菸害防制策進會設置要點 |
Tobacco Control Policy and Promotion Committee |
菸害防制策進會 |
Cross-department |
跨部會 |
Convenor |
召集人 |
Minister |
部長 |
Deputy Minister |
次長 |
Commissioner |
委員 |
Task Force |
工作小組 |
Director General |
署長 |
Executive Secretary |
執行秘書 |