
Statistical Report (Department of Adult and Elderly Health)


  • 點閱次數:點閱次數:5218
  • 更新日期:更新日期:2018/01/10
  • 發布日期:發布日期:2015/01/30
1. A happy, healthier life without diabetes Diabetes prevention and control
1) Plan the development of Monofilament screening tools and diabetes management teaching materials for the under-educated elderly. Revise diabetes prevention guidelines.
2) Conduct multimedia marketing and promotion of a healthier lifestyle in order to raise the awareness of Taiwanese citizens regarding diabetes.
3) Administer the health of persons considered to be at high risk of contracting diabetes by conducting early warning detections to prevent onset of diabetes.
4) Raise the standards of diabetic treatment and care across all levels of organizations. Publish the booklet Instructions on How to Create Joint Efforts for the Treatment of Diabetes to assist the 25 cities and counties nationwide in developing a universally standard system for diabetic care and staff certification.
5) Establish 132 institutions to promote treatment and prevention of diabetes and to emphasize a consolidated and professional service.
6) Create a total of 423 diabetic patient support groups to assist patients in effectively controlling diabetes.
7) Formulate a step-by-step monitoring system for diabetic care.

2. Cardiovascular diseases Prevention and Control
1) Setting September as the healthy heart promotion month to work in concert with the World Heart Day campaign.
2) Complete of the survey on The prevalence of hypertension, hyperlipemia, and hyperglycemia in Taiwan, 2002.
3) Follow-up Study of Hypertension, Hyperglycemia, and Hypercholesterolemia in Taiwan, 2006. is going.
4) Developing Intervention study on blood pressure, blood sugar and dyslipidemia control.
5) Producing cardiovascular diseases educational materials such as: booklet, pamphlets, posters, video tapes, CD, DVD etc.
6) Developing national guidelines on hypertension and dyslipidemia.
7) Provides integrated on-the-site screenings in community of chronic diseases for adults and the elderly. Extensively implementing community healthcare management programs to follow-up cases detected.
8) Expanding health promotion programs for high risk groups of cardiovascular diseases, in order to prevent and lower the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases.
9) Provide training opportunities for 73 medical personnel to learn more about community health education in order to help prevent coronary diseases.
10) Oversee The Pioneering Project on the Control and Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases to possibly set up a complete prevention model including early diagnosis, health education, and case management.
11) Promoting shared care to upgrade the care quality for chronic disease patients.
12) Planning to set up stroke preventive center to establish an entire service structure including prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation.
13) Developing community case management model for stroke patients in order to reduce recurrent rate.
14) Authorize Taipei Medical University Hospital to devise a stroke prevention and treatment standard that can serve as a model for the Stroke Prevention Centers in other hospitals.

3. Asthma prevention and care
1) Completed a three-year asthma prevention scheme.
2) Promoted The Asthma Patient Health Consultation Services. As of 2004, 78 hospitals have joined this program.
3) Administered governmental medical staff (2002 and 2003), families of children with asthma (2004), and caretakers in kindergartens (2005) trainings on the care and treatment of asthma in children.
4) Created an asthmatic patients self-help kit in 2004, and promoted the material in 2005.
5) Constructed the following epidemiology and management case studies:
a. A study of the application and effective of case management in improving school and home health care for asthma children between urban and rural area (2003-2004).
b. Case Management and Child Health of Children Asthmatic in Schools (2003-2005).
c. Prevalence of Adulthood Asthma in Southern Taiwan (2004) and in the eastern Taiwan (2005).
d. Establishment of asthma education network in Taoyuan (2004-2005).
e. Evaluation of Self Care for Continue care of Patients with Asthma in NHI Program (2004)
f. Establish evaluation model of the health counseling and promotion agencies for asthma. (2004)
g. Developed an experimental plan for asthma patients online management. (2004)

4. Kidney disease prevention and care
1) Completed the three-year renal disease care, prevention, and treatment plan.
2) Promote the medical professional personnel training of kidney disease prevention.
3) Produce the kidney care educational materials)
a. Kidney Care booklets, fact sheets, posters, video, tapes, etc
b. For People with Kidney Disease: Kidney Disease Care Booklet (Excluding people on dialysis)

4) Set up health counseling and promotion agencies for kidney at 12 medical care institutions to increase public education on kidney care, and decrease the prevalence of End-Stage Kidney Disease.)
5) Establish the research for kidney disease
a. Establish a kidney care model within medical organizations which provides integrated and multidisciplinary treatment regimen and education program for patients with chronic kidney diseases (2003).
b. Set up Taiwan kidney registry of End-Stage Renal Disease patients and establishment of clinical performance measures (2003).
c. Epidemiological study of End-Stage Kidney Disease patients in Taiwan: ten years survey (2003).
d. Establish the Hemodialysis Clinical Practice Guideline and Hemodialysis Procedure Guideline in Taiwan (2003).
e. The study was to explore the knowledge, attitude and behavior for renal health care in general population (2004).
f. Develop an experimental plan for the prevention and treatment of kidney diseases as well as the management for kidney care in the community: With the community as a unit, early signs of the disease are to be detected and follow-up management implemented.

5. Beauty comes with healthcare during Menopause period
1) Completed a three-year plan for health care of menopause period in 2005 in order to actively promote health care on education and services, and to establish a friendly environment for people going through menopause period.
2) Gather medical experts to discuss the issue on hormone replacement treatment (HRT). Develop and publish the hormone replacement treatment (HRT) Guide.
3) Compose a plan to train dedicated volunteers and to establish menopausal support groups and community service projects. In 2002, a total of five hospitals had joined the program. The number had increased to 10 in 2003 and 15 in 2004.
4) Developed a continuing education plan for doctors dealing with menopause care (2003), and a seminar for medical staffs in charge of menopausal care in (2004). As a result, medical staffs have increased their knowledge and skills in the subject.
5) The Taiwan Menopausal Association operates a menopausal inquiry and service line at 0800-00-5107 as a convenient way to provide accurate information (2003).
6) In 2004, a Health Seminar and Arts Festival for people going through menopause in seven remote areas were held. In addition to the Arts Festival (drama or concert), the participants had received health information in a relaxing environment. In 2005, there such events have been held.
7) Published A Menopausal Care Instruction Booklet, and Osteoporosis Prevention teaching materials.

6. The consolidation of preventative health care within a community
In order to make health care more effective, since 2002, we have been encouraging county and city governments to consolidate health care resources. More specifically, they can combine existing services, such as adult preventative health care and cancer prevention, to promote consolidated health care services.
From 2002 to 2005, we have achieved the following:
1) Counties in participation: In 2002 five counties and cities joined the program. In 2003 the number increased to 17. In 2004 and 2005 19 counties and cities had joined, including Keelung, Taipei County, Taipei City, Taoyuan County, Hsinchu County, Hsinchu City, Miaoli county, Nantou County, Taichung County, Taichung City, Yunlin County, Changhua County, Chiayi County, Tainan County, Kaohsiung County, Pintung County, Ilan County, Hualien County, and Taitung County.
2) General public participation: 540,000 people used the consolidated service and were quite satisfied. (2003-2004)
3) Diagnostic results and case follow-ups: In 2004, of the 336,000 people who received check-ups, 88,266 had abnormal blood pressure with a 91.1% successful follow-up rate. There were 28,722 cases of abnormal blood sugar levels, with a 86.7% successful follow-up rate. Of the 62,773 with abnormal blood lipid levels, 87.9% had a successful follow-up rate.
4) In order to increase participation in the consolidated health care program and to raise the level and standard of service, training courses and symposiums are provided in the Northern, Central, Southern, and Eastern areas of Taiwan. Evaluation standards for consolidated preventative health care have also been established.

7. Integrated Preventive Healthcare Service (IPHS)
1) Goals of IPHS are as the follows:
a. Increasing the utilization of preventive care services (especially in the healthcare facilities deficient area).
b. Early detection and intervention of high-risk and pre-clinical cases.
c. Improving the effectiveness of case management.
d. Integrating the 3 level of prevention including health promotion and education, early detection and treatment and medical care system.

2) IPHS Implementation is as the follows:
a. The first priority is current provided items including NHI Adult PHS,PAP smear, community 3H screening (BP, blood sugar &cholesterol)and cancer screening (oral, breast, cervical, colorectal Ca)
b. The options are based on local needs and financial support including hepatoma screening, bone density examination and body fat examination...etc.

3) From 2002 to 2005, we have achieved the following aspects:
a. Counties in participation: In 2002 five counties and cities joined the program. In 2003 the number increased to 17. In 2004 and 2005, 19 counties and cities had joined, including Keelung, Taipei County, Taipei City, Taoyuan County, Hsinchu County, Hsinchu City, Miaoli county, Nantou County, Taichung County, Taichung City, Yunlin County, Changhua County, Chiayi County, Tainan County, Kaohsiung County, Pintung County, Ilan County, Hualien County, and Taitung County.
b. General public participation: 540,000 people used the consolidated service and were quite satisfied. (2003-2004)
c. Referral Rate in 2004......

