
September 7-9:The “Asia Pacific Health Promotion Capacity Building Forum” was held by the Asia Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health (APACPH) and Taiwan’s Collaborating Centers for Health Promotion (CCHP). Scholars and government officials from Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka were invited to attend and the “Declaration of Taipei”, signed by APACPH Chairman Masamine Jimba, Vice Chairman Wah-Yun Low, Secretary-General Bruce Maycock, regional representatives, officials, etc. This Declaration commited the signatories to work together to strengthen health promotion and capacity building in key public health areas worldwide. The forum was attended by more than 140 central and local health professionals.

  • 瀏覽數:瀏覽數:547
  • 修改日:修改日:2023/03/08
  • 發布日:發布日:2017/09/07

