
Investigation report on the 8th WCIPSP and 15th ISCC


  • 點閱次數:點閱次數:1569
  • 更新日期:更新日期:2015/01/28
  • 發布日期:發布日期:2007/05/03
Investigation report on the 8th World Conference on Injury Prevention & Safety Promotion (WCIPSP) and 15th International Safety Communities Conference (ISCC)
In order to exchange safety community experience with international communities, we organized a team of Taiwan delegates to attend the 8th World Conference on Injury Prevention & Safety Promotion (WCIPSP) in Durban and 15th International Safety Communities Conference (ISCC) in Cape Town, South Africa, respectively during 2-5 and 9-11 April, 2006.
The 8th WCIPSP affirmed that the right to safety depends upon the full implementation of civil, political, economic and cultural rights. It emphasized that safety is a much wider concept than absence of injury, in the same way that health is much wider than absence of disease.
The 15th ISCC attracted a mix of practitioners, scientists, and policy makers as well as representatives from voluntary organizations etc. into a reproductive exchange of ideas and experiences. Taiwan delegates shared their invaluable experiences with other participants from all of the world.
The visit is a great success to enrich our representative with international experience and broaden their vision to a global scope. Taiwan will not only put more investment in domestic safety movement, but also enhance its cooperation with all other countries in the world, and keep close collaboration with other safety communities, in order to create a safe and healthy world.

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