
Spreading goodwill among our Austronesian friends


  • 瀏覽數:瀏覽數:1329
  • 修改日:修改日:2015/01/30
  • 發布日:發布日:2006/03/25
By Ma Kang- Yao
Taiwan News, Supplements Writer
In 1957, Dr. Marcy Ditmanson, a medical doctor cum clergyman traveled from the United States to Taiwan. On his arrival, he made a round-island trip on his bike to conduct a medical survey. He finally decided to settle in Chai- yi, a small city in the South Taiwan desperately in need of medical service.
By 1962, he founded Chia- yi ChristianHospital. For forty years, this hospital brought invaluable medical service to Chia- yi residents. In 1895, another hospital, ChanghuaChristianHospital, was founded in Changhua. Dr. David Landsborough came to Middle Taiwan contributing his life to the land.
As Taiwan's medical service and health care improve, Changhua Christian Hospital, Chia- yi Christian Hospital, National Taipei Hospital and Chung-ho Memorial Hospital team up to spread this philanthropic spirit to the Asia- Pacific and Austronesian nations......

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