
Treasury of Knowledge for Gentle Mother Saying No to Smoking


  • 瀏覽數:瀏覽數:2064
  • 修改日:修改日:2015/01/28
  • 發布日:發布日:2015/01/28
Dear Mommies:
Maybe all of you already know that secondhand smoke is harmful to your own and the babys health. Maybe when you are in a secondhand smoke environment, you probably want to stop other people from smoking but cant speak it out or dont know what to say.
Most mothers hate the smell of cigarette. But, because family member(s) smokes, they have to suffer from the stinking smell of smoke. Nevertheless, dont you know that the dreadful secondhand smoke is gradually effecting the health of mother and baby? So, be brave to say no to secondhand smoke for you and your baby to live a healthy life!
This handbook shall provide you with more information on secondhand smoke and the technique of saying no to secondhand smoke.
We hope that you and your baby will be able to experience the changes made by the new healthy smoke-free world to your life and health through the aid of this handbook. Start defending your babys and your rights for health!

Director, Bureau of Health Promotion, Department of Health, Executive Yuan
Hsiu-Chuen Lin