
2016 International Environment-Friendly Hospital Team Work Best Practice Award


  • 點閱次數:點閱次數:10271
  • 更新日期:更新日期:2018/01/10
  • 發布日期:發布日期:2016/10/03
2016 International Environment-Friendly Hospital Team Work Best Practice Award

The Public Health and Environment Department of W.H.O. pointed out that hospitals are one of the industry with high energy consumption. In order to encourage professional personnel of health departments for playing an international leading role in relieving and modulating the impact of climate migration, Health Promotion Administration, MOHW (hereinafter referred to as "the Administration") received the task assigned by the secretariat of The International Network of Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services, HPH, and established the Task Force on HPH and Environment, TF, to combine the strength of International Network of Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services, HPH, HCWH and Taiwan to jointly drive the environmental sustainability activity of hospitals.

In order to promote the implementation effectiveness of hospital environment-friendly actions and experience sharing, the Administration has been holding the "International Environment-Friendly Hospital Team Work Best Practice Award" since 2013, and until now there have been 15 domestic and foreign hospitals received the award. The hospitals received the award are invited to attend the award ceremony and share their experience in the "International Health Promotion Hospitals Seminar" in next year. In order to encourage more health and caring organizations to devote in environment-friendly activities, the Administration will continue to hold the activity and elect the organizations with outstanding implementation performance for others to learn from.

◆Eligibility Criteria:(Hospital should fulfill at least one of the following):
a. Members of the International HPH Network
b. General members of the Task Force on HPH and Environment
c. A member of the Global Green and Healthy Hospital Network (GGHHN)

October 21th, 2016 (validated by postmark date)

