
Health Literacy and Communication Check List For Dummies


  • 點閱次數:點閱次數:1108
  • 更新日期:更新日期:2023/09/22
  • 發布日期:發布日期:2021/11/08
Health Literasy and Communication Check List For Dummies
Why do Health Literacy and Communication need to be reviewed?
Who needs to know the in-dicators of Health Literacy and Communication Index?
When will the indicators of Health Literacy and Communi-cation Index be applied?
Four important points you need to know before your health materials producing.
Health Literacy and Communication Index What does the index review?
Health Literacy and Commu-nication Index Part 1 Content
Health Literacy and Commu-nication Index Part 2
Health Literacy and Commu-nication Index Part 3
Health Literacy and Commu-nication Index Part 4
Health Literacy and Commu-nication Index Part 5
Health Literacy and Commu-nication Index Part 6
Health Literacy and Communication Summary

Health Literasy and Communication Check List For Dummies 




Health Literacy

▲Why do Health Literacy and Communication need to be reviewed?
Through review mechanism, these readable and understandable health information provided to people will make them better under-
stand the content.

▲Who needs to know the in-dicators of Health Literacy and Communication Index?
As long as it's the department which needs to plan and design "Health Literacy and Communication", such as Public Health Bureau in the county and hospitals, all need to know the indicators of Health Litera-cy and Communication Index.

When will the indicators of Health Literacy and Communi-cation Index be applied?

Before materials producing Planning stage

During materials producing Production stage

After materials producing Review stage

Four important points you need to know before your health materials producing.

For whom?

Their media usage habits?

Their charac-teristics?

What you want to communicate?

Health Literacy and Communication Index What does the index review?

Health Literacy and Commu-nication Index Part 1 Content

Exercise is good for health

The main mes-sage is simple,clear, and close-ly related to the subject.

Let people know how to perform health behavior.

Cite the source and date

▲Health Literacy and Commu-nication Index Part 2 

Word Choice and Style

Use daily colloquial expres-sions according to popular language habits.

Avoid to use professional nouns. Professional nouns should be explained.

▲Health Literacy and Commu-nication Index Part 3

Organization and Editing

The content is logically coherent.

Appropriate paragraph and induction.

▲Health Literacy and Commu-nication Index Part 4

Use of Numbers

Use image to present number

Replace calculation with table

▲Health Literacy and Commu-nication Index Part 5

Visual Images

Jogging is good for health

Visual images are closely related to the subject.

Visual images can help readers to understand the content.

Avoid unnecessary illustrations

▲Health Literacy and Commu-nication Index Part 6

Layout and Designg

Layout is easy to read

Clear audio-visual effect & moderate speech rate

Use visual cues to highlight effects

▲Health Literacy and Communication Summary

1.The message is simple,clear and valid

2.Use daily colloquial ex-pressions

3.The content is orga-nized and logical

4.Calculated number is easy to understand

5.Visual images are clear and easy to understand

6.Layout is easy to read and audio-visual effect is clear

Improve the material quality Health knowledge with No Distance!


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