
April 7:World Health Day is on April 7th each year according to the World Health Organization, in order to recognize Universal Health Coverage, abbreviated as UHC. In 2019, the events of World Health Day combined with UHC themes, and simultaneously responded to “Walk the talk!” held on May 19th. From April 7th to May 19th, we continued to record the health steps of people participating in the event. We simultaneously connected with county, city, and local organization health walking events. There were 24 million steps in total (From Taiwan to Geneva, approximately 9,682 km, approximately 24 million steps). We used overall actions to encourage people to support Taiwan in joining WHO, and enter WHA, in order to increase the international visibility. People from 29 countries participated in this event. Over 75 organizations and 32 overseas offices, with a total of 67,000 people participating. 860 million steps were taken, which exceeded the goal of 24 million steps by 35.8 times.

  • 點閱次數:點閱次數:8379
  • 更新日期:更新日期:2023/03/08
  • 發布日期:發布日期:2020/10/22

