
Tainan Healthy City Project III


  • 點閱次數:點閱次數:6620
  • 更新日期:更新日期:2015/01/30
  • 發布日期:發布日期:2015/01/30
Tainan Healthy City Project III

This is a continuous program for three years. The third year is an action stage and its purposes are including :(a) Promote the community participation. (b)Guide the Tainan city government to set up the health public policies. (c)Set up the demonstrative projects in Tainan city. (d)Assess the initial effects of healthy city. (e)Achieve the mechanism of information sharing and circulating. (f)Hold the International Conference of Healthy Cities in Taiwan, and advance the activities about forming an alliance. Our methods are including: a) literature retrospect and evaluation, b) collect the data of statistical analysis, c) symposium, d) study group and workshop, e) internet and network, f) conference and cities communicate. Following are our results: (1) Promote the community participation. The training classes of three groups for community participation have already finished in August, and report achievements in September. (2) Guide the Tainan city government to set up the healthy public policies. We help the municipal government to set up the healthy public policies via discussion of the white paper of Healthy city-Tainan, and organization workshop. (3) Set up the demonstrative projects of Tainan city. There are 21 demonstrative projects (each dimension has 7 projects (4)Assess the initial effects of healthy city. In the community participation, there are 100 units to reply for the wishing form, and 72 units applied to the application form in first stage, 62 units hand in the proposal in the second stage. The total budget in order to improve the healthy city indicators is about NT 4,180million.It is 40.7% of the master budget of municipal government (deducts the personnel expense). The budget of health topic is NT$ 40,622,000. It is NT$3,946,429,000 in the environmental topic, and NT$ 198,873,000 in the social topic. We continuously collected indicators`s data in order to monitor the Tainan healthy city indicators, understand the indicators`s changing, and help the Tainan city government subsume healthy city indicators into official statistic. (5) Achieve the mechanism of information sharing and circulating. This part includes the workshop, website and Healthy City Journal. We held twice workshops of health city this year. The first workshop (primary course) held in medical college, NCKU, Tainan, 7/11-12. There were 23 counties and cities, and 174 participant. Besides indoor courses, we arranged four visit sites. The second workshop (further course) was held in Taipei, 9/13.In addition, the website of healthy city Tainan has been already connected with the AFHC, built up GIS system of the sport maps, and published the third Healthy City Journal. (6) Hold the International Conference of Healthy Cities in Taiwan, and advance the activities about forming an alliance. We applied to be member of AFHC via "Tainan healthy city association" (NGO) in March, and became the associate member of AFHC on July 12. "2005 International Conference of Healthy Cities in Taiwan" was held on October 14-16, and planed 23 visit sites. Besides four keynote speakers, there were 7 members of AFHC,14 participants in the conference. In order to exchange the relevant achievement of the health city with international cities, we applied for the topic "Clearing the air: Tobacco-free/smoke-free cities" of Healthy Cities Good Practice Awards 2005. The plan host (Dr. Hu) and a convener of environment group (Dr. Kong) participated the 4th International Conference on Urban Health,and published the poster"Employing Healthy City Platform to Build up Smoke-Free Environments: Tainan Experience".

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