Several factors prohibit residents from participating community health development. To facilitate community residents for taking part in such program, those factors should be minimized. Such endeavor can be considered as one of major indicators measuring performance for the center of community health development. The aims of current study are to develop a monitoring and evaluating system in the participation of community health development for public. As results, further strategies can be derived from such system to be applied by the manage of community health development center. Counseling meeting was hold to develop a questionnaire and Dephi method was utilized as validating technique. Our results show that six dimensions including access, knowledge, participation, consensus, promotion and outcome are appropriate to use to measure the performance of community health development. AHP method was used to weight 0.197, 0.140, 0.228, 0.100, 0.153 and 0.182 respectively for those six dimensions. The pilot study of three towns from middle Taiwan indicates that our system is not only feasible but also suitable. The coefficients of Cronbach Alpha range from 0.69 to 0.93. The responding rate is 73.5% and the average responding time is 12.5 minutes among 761 surveys. In addition, our results indicate that Chieng-shuei town, Shalu town and Taiping city score 12.96, 6.99 and 5.49 respectively for total 100 points. Such results are consistent with the evaluation of Taichuang county as well as public image, which demonstrates the concurrent validation of our system is good.