
Key Tasks in the Promotion of Breastfeeding


  • 點閱次數:點閱次數:5772
  • 更新日期:更新日期:2015/01/30
  • 發布日期:發布日期:2015/01/30
Key Points in the Promotion of Breastfeeding

Key points in the promotion of breastfeeding in Taiwan include continuing implementation of stage one of the Breastfeeding Promotion Plan and the National Health Promotion Three-Year Plan. Through the gentle promotion of breastfeeding, it is hoped that, by the year 2010, the goal of increasing the birth-to-one-month breastfeeding rate to 64% or higher can be achieved. The major tasks to be undertaken are detailed as follows:

1.Creating a breastfeeding-friendly environment in medical care institutions:
(1)Prohibiting the promotion of baby formula products, feeding bottles and nipples, and the display and giving away of baby formula product samples and baby bottles to expecting and new mothers at hospitals and clinics;
(2)Providing educational activities on breastfeeding for expecting and new mothers at prenatal outpatient clinics and wards in hospitals and clinics;
(3)Using the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding established by the WHO and the United Nations Childrens Fund as a reference in devising certification standards for mother and infant friendly hospitals that are suited to local conditions; encouraging hospitals and clinics to attain mother and infant friendly hospital certification.

2.Enhancing the breastfeeding knowledge and skills of medical personnel:
(1)Cooperating with health bureaus, medical care institutions, academic institutions and civic groups to provide on-job training for breastfeeding personnel, thus improving the ability of specialized personnel to handle breastfeeding-related problems;
(2)Issuing a breastfeeding e-newsletter every three months to provide specialized personnel at medical care institutions with the latest breastfeeding information.

3.Promoting breastfeeding awareness of the public:
(1)Using the mass media (Internet, television, radio, print media) to promote breastfeeding;
(2)Pooling the resources of health bureaus, medical care institutions and civic groups to hold seminars and workshops in the interests of promoting breastfeeding education;
(3)Distributing breastfeeding educational materials at locations frequented by women;
(4)Producing health education materials such as booklets, leaflets and posters.

4.Providing a community environment conducive to breastfeeding:
(1)Using the WHO Breastfeeding Counseling: A Training Course teaching materials to train breastfeeding counselors and seed instructors in Taiwan;
(2)Establishing breastfeeding support groups so that mothers who have successfully breastfed can share their experience; recruiting and training volunteers to promote breastfeeding by making home visits;
(3)Establishing a toll-free breastfeeding information hotline (0800-870870), and providing referrals to local medical care institutions and support groups for follow-up support and assistance;
(4)Establishing a breastfeeding website to provide specialized personnel and the general public with information and consulting;
(5)Encouraging medical care institutions and health stations to establish breastfeeding information hotlines.

5.Creating a breastfeeding-friendly work environment, establishing workplace support systems, and encouraging working women to continue breastfeeding.

6.Coordinating with relevant government departments to bring them in line with related regulations, establishing a barrier-free breastfeeding environment, and implementing policies that encourage breastfeeding.

7.Coordinating with the Bureau of Food Safety in requiring that powdered milk companies self-restrict their promotional and advertising activities.

8.Conducting research and surveys related to breastfeeding.

