The HPA has established a number of long-term smoking behavior monitoring mechanisms, including the Taiwan Smoking Behavior Telephone Survey, Taiwan Global Youth Tobacco Survey, and Monitoring of Nicotine, Tar and Carbon Monoxide Contained in Tobacco Products. And we continued to conduct research on the effectiveness of smoking cessation services, inspection of tobacco product information declared, propaganda via the media, and efficacy of law enforcement, as well as policy assessment.
We has conducted the “Tobacco Product Testing and Research Program”. Tobacco products was inspected for the amounts of nicotine, tar, and carbon monoxide in mainstream smoke and were sent for testing for heavy metal and nitrosamine yields. In addition, if the nicotine or tar yields exceeded the permissible maximum level stipulated in the Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act, and the labeled yields for tobacco product containers exceeded the allowed deviation range. These cases were subsequently referred to local governments for penalties in accordance with the Tobacco and Alcohol Administration Act and the Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act.
To ensure compliance with the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, the central competent authority has periodically disclosed to the public each item information received, including content, additives, emissions produced by the tobacco products and their relevant toxicity information on the Tobacco Information Declaration System website.