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  • 更新日期:更新日期:2024/10/15
  • 發布日期:發布日期:2023/11/03



     目前各國都在積極尋找方法來幫助城市降溫,其中一個被廣泛認可的方法是「增綠再留藍」1,也就是增加城市綠地,不僅可以美化城市環境,還能提供各種大量的生態系統服務,這種方法稱為「自然解方」(Nature-based solution,NbS),利用大自然的力量來保護環境,改善城市,解決問題。更多的研究證據顯示,當人們接觸綠色與自然環境,將直接或間接的影響人體健康和幸福感2-4。另外都市綠地也能降低人們壓力、改善情緒,和增加身體活動,進而預防心血管疾病和心理障礙,並降低死亡率5-6。合理的城市規劃與綠地分佈和管理,將減少空氣污染7-9與調節城市的熱指數和熱暴露10-11



◆ 使用空調或風扇,以維持室內溫度舒適。建議空調溫度設定在 26-28℃,搭配電風扇或循環扇,幫助室內空氣循環、加速降溫14
◆ 遮蔽陽光進入室內,使用隔熱紙、隔熱窗簾或百葉窗板。
◆ 減少室內熱源,如照明、電器等。關掉不需要的電器和燈光,減少熱量釋放15
◆ 在早晚氣溫較低時打開窗戶,讓新鮮空氣流通,可搭配電風扇或循環扇朝窗外吹。




2.Carrus, G., R. Lafortezza, G. Colangelo, I. Dentamaro, M. Scopelliti and G. Sanesi (2013). Relations between naturalness and perceived restorativeness of different urban green spaces. Psyecology, 4(3): 227-244.
3.Kabisch, N., M. van den Bosch and R. Lafortezza (2017). The health benefits of nature-based solutions to urbanization challenges for children and the elderly – A systematic review. Environmental Research, 159: 362-373.
4.Wolf, K. L., S. T. Lam, J. K. McKeen, G. R. Richardson, M. van den Bosch and A. C. Bardekjian (2020). Urban trees and human health: A scoping review. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(12): 4371.
5.Hartig, T., R. Mitchell, S. De Vries and H. Frumkin (2014). Nature and health. Annual review of public health, 35: 207-228.
6.Triguero-Mas, M., P. Dadvand, M. Cirach, D. Martínez, A. Medina, A. Mompart, X. Basagaña, R. Gražulevičienė and M. J. Nieuwenhuijsen (2015). Natural outdoor environments and mental and physical health: relationships and mechanisms. Environment international, 77: 35-41.
7.Morani, A., D. J. Nowak, S. Hirabayashi and C. Calfapietra (2011). How to select the best tree planting locations to enhance air pollution removal in the MillionTreesNYC initiative. Environmental Pollution, 159(5): 1040-1047.
8.Baró, F., L. Chaparro, E. Gómez, J. Langemeyer, D. Nowak and J. Terradas (2014). Contribution of Ecosystem Services to Air Quality and Climate Change Mitigation Policies: The Case of Urban Forests in Barcelona. Spain AMBIO, 43, 466-479 (2014).
9.Cameron, R. W. and T. Blanuša (2016). Green infrastructure and ecosystem services–is the devil in the detail? Annals of Botany, 118(3): 377-391.
10.Bowler, D. E., L. Buyung-Ali, T. M. Knight and A. S. Pullin (2010). Urban greening to cool towns and cities: A systematic review of the empirical evidence. Landscape and urban planning, 97(3): 147-155.
11.Burkart, K., F. Meier, A. Schneider, S. Breitner, P. Canário, M. J. Alcoforado, D. Scherer and W. Endlicher (2016). Modification of heat-related mortality in an elderly urban population by vegetation (urban green) and proximity to water (urban blue): evidence from Lisbon, Portugal. Environmental health perspectives, 124(7): 927-934.
12.Mabon, L., Shih, W. Y., Kondo, K., Kanekiyo, H., & Hayabuchi, Y. (2019). What is the role of epistemic communities in shaping local environmental policy? Managing environmental change through planning and greenspace in Fukuoka City, Japan. Geoforum, 104, 158-169.
13.Ruefenacht, L., & Acero, J. A. (2017). Strategies for cooling Singapore: A catalogue of 80+ measures to mitigate urban heat island and improve outdoor thermal comfort.
14.台電電力粉絲團(2021)。宅在家吹冷氣電費高 想省電可以跟這樣做。https://health99.hpa.gov.tw/theme/content/349
15.UK Health Security Agency (2023). Beat the heat: keep cool at home checklist. Retrieved from https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/beat-the-heat-hot-weather-advice/beat-the-heat-keep-cool-at-home-checklist

