
young people's website


  • 點閱次數:點閱次數:1961
  • 更新日期:更新日期:2015/01/27
  • 發布日期:發布日期:2015/01/27

During puberty, young adolescents undergo physical transformation into adulthood. With the emergence of their secondary sex characteristics, the accompanying hormone secretions, physiological and psychological changes also cause them to take interest in the opposite sex. Facing these changes, it can be difficult for any adolescent to ask parents or teachers open questions. Often, they resort to private discussions with close friends but doubts may still remain as a result.

The National Bureau of Health Promotion is concerned with the physical and mental wellbeing of adolescents. It hopes to help the teenagers find answers in the quickest and most convenient way so that they may grow in a pressure and anxiety-free environment. With this in mind, a young peoples website is established www.young.gov.tw. It contains a large collection of adolescent sex education material, including physiological changes during puberty and interactions with family, peers and the opposite sex. While functioning as a resource and consultation database for teenagers, the website also serves as the best reference guide for parents and school teachers. In addition, the site offers an online consultation service and a mailbox each is designated to the teenagers, parents and teachers respectively. It is hoped that by answering questions on adolescent sex education in this manner, young people are able to enjoy their privacy as they go through the awkward physiological and psychological changes of adolescence.

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