




中文 英文
癌症防治 Cancer prevention and control
癌症防治法 Cancer control Act
癌症宣導 Cancer advocacy
檳榔健康危害防制 Prevention of health hazards on betel quid chewing
癌症篩檢 Cancer screening
癌症診療品質 Cancer Care Quality
癌症安寧療護 Cancer Hospice and palliative care
癌症病友服務 Cancer Patient Support Services
癌症資料庫 Cancer database
癌症研究 Cancer research
國際合作 International cooperation


中文 英文
子宮頸細胞病理 Cervical Pathology
全民健保 National Health Insurance
衛生福利部 Ministry of Health and Welfare
抹片 Pap Smear
疾病診療 Disease Diagnosis and Treatment
診斷單位 Diagnostic Unit
預防保健 Health Prevention
認證審查小組 Certificate Approval Committee


中文 英文
國民健康署 Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare
癌症醫療品質小組 Cancer Care Quality Team
癌症防治中心/ 癌症防治醫療機構 Cancer Center / Medical Institution of Cancer Control
癌症期別 Cancer Staging
臨床路徑 Clinical Paths
診療資料庫 Diagnosis and Treatment Database
多專科團隊 Cancer Multidisciplinary Team
癌症預防教育宣導 Cancer Prevention Educational Propaganda
癌症診療品質保證措施準則 Regulations for Cancer Care Quality Assurance Measures
治療指引 Therapeutic Guildlines Clinical Practice Guidelines


中文 英文
乳房X光攝影判讀 Interpretation of mammography
校正 Calibration
乳房X光醫療機構認證 Medical certified organization for mammography
臨床影像評估 Clinical Image Evaluation
半值層測量 Half-Value Layer Measurement
假體影像分析 Phatom Image Analysis
乳房X光攝影篩檢 Screening Mammography
乳房X光攝影放射師 Mammographic Technologist
乳房X光攝影 Mammography
平均乳腺輻射劑量 Average radiation dose of mammary gland


中文 英文
子宮頸抹片 Cervical Smear
細胞病理 Cytological Pathology
病理醫療機構 Pathological and Medical Institution
外科病理 Surgical Pathology


中文 英文
陰道鏡 Colposcopy
細胞毒性物質 Cytotoxic Substance
藥物諮詢 drug information
衛教 Health Education
居家服務 / 居家護理 Home Care
免疫不全 Immunodeficient Disorder
點滴注射 Intravenous administration
癌症防治醫療機構 Medical Institution of Cancer Control
腫瘤護理 Oncology Nursing
疼痛控制 Pain Control
病理單位 Pathology Unit
心理諮商 Psychological Counseling
輻射線防護 Radiation Protection
放射治療單位 Radiotherapy Unit
轉介系統 Referral System
癌症診療品質保證措施準則 Regulations for Cancer Care Quality Assurance Measures
復健 Rehabilitation
社工 Social Work
靈性照顧 Spiritual Care
標準作業流程 Standard Operational Procedure


中文 英文
事故傷害 Accidents and Injury
急性傳染病 Acute Infectious Diseases
年齡標準發生率 Age-Standardized Incidence Rate
膀胱癌 Bladder Cancer
乳癌 Breast Cancer
結直腸癌 Colon and rectum, rectosigmoid junction and anus
口腔癌 Cancer of the oral cavity, oropharynx and hypopharynx
子宮體癌 Cancer of the Uterus
癌症登記 Cancer Registry
子宮頸癌 Cervical Cancer
慢性疾病 Chronic Diseases
癌症粗發生率 Crude Cancer Incidence Rate
死亡率 Mortality Rate
流行病學 Epidemiology
食道癌 Esophagus Cancer
胃癌 Stomach Cancer
原位癌 Carcinoma In Situ
侵襲癌 Invasive Cancer
肝癌 Liver and mtra-hepatic bile duct cancer
肺癌 Lung, trachea and bronchus cancer
鼻咽癌 Nasopharynx cancer
台灣癌症登記系統 Taiwan cancer registration system
攝護腺癌 Prostate Cancer
皮膚癌 Skin Cancer
甲狀腺癌 Thyroid Cancer


中文 英文
檳榔鹼 Arecaidine
檳榔素 Arecoline
檳榔子 betel nut
檳榔 betel palm
嚼塊 betel quid
切片檢查 biopsy
糖石灰熬劑 bittern
水泡 blister
桂汁油 cassia oil
兒茶 catechu
顴骨 cheek bone
丁香 clove
農委會 Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
牙冠 dental crown
衛生福利部 Ministry of Health and Welfare
內政部地政司 Department of Land Administration, M.O.I.
社會救助及社工司 The Department of Social Assistance and Social Work, MOHW
糖尿病 diabetes
環保署 Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan
上皮 epithelium
丁香酚 Eugenol
荖花(藤) inflorescence of piper betel linn
異丁香酚 isoeugenol
咬合肌肉 masticatory muscle
本草綱目 Materia Medica
麥加 Mecca
代謝症候群 metabolic syndrome
丁香酚甲酯 methyl eugenol
經濟部 Ministry of Economic Affairs
財政部 Ministry of Finance
國防部 Ministry of National Defense
內政部 Ministry of the Interior
口底 mouth floor
科技部 Ministry of Science and Technology
腎臟學 Nephrology
口腔上皮 Oral Epithelium
牙周病 periodontosis
牙菌斑 plaque
多酚類 Polyphenol
黃樟素 Safrole
梵文 Sanskrit
熟石灰 slaked lime
鱗狀細胞癌 Squamous cell carcinoma
硬荖藤 stem of piper betel linn
麻六甲海峽 Strait of Malacca
荖葉 Betel pepper
顳顎關節 Temporomandibular joint
疣狀癌 Verrucous carcinoma
風化 weathering
葉門 Yemen
尚吉巴 Zanzibar


中文 英文
子宮頸癌 Cervical Cancer
糞便潛血 Fecal occult blood test
組織病理 Histopathology
分級或分化 Classification or Differentiation


中文 英文
發生率 incidence rate
人類乳突病毒 human papillomavirus (HPV)
陰道 vagina
塞劑 vaginal suppository
切片檢查 biopsy
分泌物 discharge
保險套 condom


中文 英文
乳房攝影 Screening mammography/ mammogram
乳房攝影篩檢 mammography screening for brase cancer
乳房超音波 breast ultrasound
細針抽吸細胞 fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC)
組織切片 Tissue biopsy


中文 英文
子宮頸癌 cervical cancer
人類乳突病毒 human papilloma virus
保險套 condom
子宮內膜癌 endometrial cancer
賀爾蒙補充劑 hormone supplements
子宮頸侵襲癌 invasive cancer of the cervix
性交 sexual intercourse
沖洗陰道 douche
塞劑 pessary
子宮抹片 Pap smear
子宮抹片檢查 Pap smear
定期檢查 routine screening


中文 英文
癌症防治 Cancer Prevention & Control
診療管理 clinical governance
安寧緩和療護 Hospice and Palliative Care
中央癌症防治會報 Central Cancer Prevention & Control Conference
癌症防治政策委員會 Cancer Prevention & Control Policy Commission
國家衛生研究院 National Health Research Institutes
衛生局便民系統 public health departments' People Friendly System
國民健康資訊基礎架構 National Health Information Infrastructure (NHII)
國軍 Armed Forces
食品藥物管理署 Food and Drug Administration, MOHW
癌症負擔指標 cancer burden indicator
口腔黏膜 oral mucosa
癌症防治法 Cancer Control Act
癌症診療品質保證措施準則 Regulations for Cancer Care Quality Assurance Measures
癌症品質提升自我評估表 Self-Assessment Form on Cancer Care Quality
預防醫療照護診療 Advace Care Planning
醫療機構申報癌症防治資料作業辦法 Method for Registering Cancer Control Data by Medical Institutions
台灣地區國民健康促進知識、態度與行為調查 Taiwan's Health Promotion Survey on People's Knowledge, Attitudes and Actions
癌症登記年報 cancer registry annual report
次專科證明 secondary specialist certificate
第二期國家癌症防治計畫--癌症篩檢 The 2nd National Cancer Control Programme - Cancer Screening


中文 英文
咽喉癌 Pharyngeal cancer
食道癌 esophageal cancer
更年期 menopause
荷爾蒙 hormone
人類乳突病毒 Human paipplomavirus (HPV)
B型肝炎 Hepatitis B
C型肝炎 Hepatitis C
黃膽 Jaundice
肝功能檢查 Liver function test
子宮頸癌 Cervical Cancer
黃麴毒素 aflatoxin


中文 英文
篩檢 Screening
檢查 Test
抹片檢查 Pap smear
子宮切除 hystectomy
陰道塞劑 vaginal suppository
月經 menstrual cycle
性行為 sexual activity
卵巢癌 ovarian cancer
子宮內膜癌 endometrial cancer
母奶 breast milk
大腸息肉症 adenomatous polyposis
潰瘍性大腸炎 Ulcerative Colitis
"潰瘍性結腸炎 (潰瘍性大腸炎與潰瘍性結腸炎兩者的英文名稱相同)" Ulcerative Colitis
糞便潛血檢查 Fecal occult blood test
陽性反應 positive results
大腸鏡檢查 Colonoscopy
痔瘡 hemorrhoid
黏膜病變 pathological changes of mucosa or mucosal abnormalities
胎兒球蛋白 alpha fetoprotein
腹部超音波 abdominal ultrasound scan (ultrasonography)
乳房攝影 Mammography
全大腸鏡 Colonoscopy
直腸癌 Rectal cancer
結腸直腸癌 colorectal cancer
便秘 constipation
貧血 anemia
血便 blood in stool


中文 英文
化學治療 chemotherapy
放射線治療 radiotherapy
radiotherapy pharyngeal laryngeal ulcers
白血球 leucocytes
紅血球 erythrocytes
貧血 anemia
抗荷爾蒙治療 antihormonal antihormone therapy
子宮內膜癌 endometrial cancer
免疫治療 immunotherapy
標靶療法 targeted therapy
副作用 adverse reactions (side effects) (side) effects
靜脈注射 intravenous infusion (injection)
口服 oral administration
安樂死 euthanasia (mercy killing)
前列腺癌 prostate cancer


中文 英文
檳榔健康危害防制 Prevention of health hazards on betel quid chewing
檳榔問題管理方案 Management Plan for the Control of Betel Quid Problem
徵收檳榔健康捐 betel quid health tax
遺失的微笑 The Lost Smile
量性研究 Quantitative Research
國家衛生研究院 The National Health Research Institutes
跨部會 inter-departmental
檳榔防制日 Betel Quid Prevention Day
口腔癌自我檢查 Oral Cancer Self-examination
口腔癌社區到點篩檢服務3年計畫 The 3-Year Community Program of Oral Cancer Screening
國民健康訪問調查 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS)
衛生管理自治條例 Self-Government Ordinance of Hygiene Management
台北市檳榔衛生管理自治條例 Taipei City Betel Quid Self-Government Ordinance of Hygiene Management
健康促進學校 Health Promoting Schools
原住民 indigenous peoples; indigenous tribes
檳榔暨口腔癌防治五年計畫 The Five-Year Betel Quid & Oral Cancer Prevention Plan
e化教學網 e-Learning Website; e-Teaching Network
檳榔健康危害防制 Prevention of health hazards on betel quid chewing
檳榔及口腔癌防治研究計畫工作小組 Betel Quid and Oral Cancer Prevention Research Task Force
紀錄片 documentary
全球青少年吸菸行為調查 Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS)
18歲以上人口嚼檳榔率 betel quid chewing rate over the age of 18


中文 英文
Burkitt 氏淋巴瘤 Burkitt’s lymphoma
Ewing 氏肉瘤 Ewing’s sarcoma
Paget 氏病 Paget’s disease
乙狀結腸連結部 rectosigmoid junction
下咽 hypopharynx
口咽 oropharynx
口腔 oral cavity
大淋巴球性惡性淋巴瘤 Large lymphocytic lymphoma
大細胞癌 Large cell carcinoma
子宮內膜基質肉瘤 Endometrial stromal sarcoma
子宮內膜樣腺癌 Endometrioid adenocarcinoma
子宮頸 Cervix uteri
子宮頸癌篩檢登記系統 Cervix Cancer Screening Registration System (CXR); Pap Smear Screening Registry System
子宮體 Corpus uteri
小淋巴球性惡性淋巴瘤 Small lymphocytic lymphoma
小細胞癌 Small cell carcinoma
小唾液腺癌 Carcinoma of minor salivary glands
小節硬化性何杰金氏淋巴瘤 Nodular sclerosis hodgkin lymphoma
小葉原位癌 Lobular carcinoma in situ
內胚竇腫瘤 Endodermal sinus tumor (Yolk sac tumor)
分化程度 Differentiation
化學藥物治療 Chemotherapy
手術治療 Surgery
支氣管 bronchus
卡波西氏肉瘤 Kaposi's sarcoma
被套細胞淋巴瘤 Mantle Cell Lymphoma
女性生殖器官 female external genitalia
外陰部 Paget 氏病 Paget Disease of external genitalia
平滑肌肉瘤 Leiomyosarocma
未分化癌 Carcinoma, undifferentiated
非特定之神經膠質瘤 Glioma, NOS
非特定癌 Carcinoma, NOS
生殖器官 genital organs
甲狀腺 Thyroid gland
白血病 Leukemia
皮膚附件癌 Carcinoma of skin appendages
合併肝細胞癌和膽管癌 Combined hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma
多形性神經膠母細胞瘤 Glioblastoma multiforme
多發性骨髓瘤 Multiple myeloma
多發癌症 multiple primary cancer
年齡中位數 Age (median); Median Age
年齡別死亡率 Age-specific mortality rates
年齡別發生率 Age-specific incidence rates
年齡標準化死亡率 Age-standardized mortality rates
年齡標準化發生率 Age-standardized incidence rates
血管肉瘤 Agniosarcoma
何杰金氏淋巴瘤 Hodgkin's Lymphoma
免疫治療 Immunotherapy
卵巢 Ovary
肝內膽管 Intrahepatic bile ducts
肝外膽管 extrahepatic bile ducts
肝母細胞瘤 Hepatoblastoma
肝細胞癌 Hepatocellular carcinoma
肛門 anus
角化鱗狀細胞癌 Keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma
乳房 Paget 氏病 Paget disease, mammary
乳頭狀癌 Papillary carcinoma
其他特定之星形細胞瘤 Other specified astrocytoma
周邊原始神經外胚層腫瘤 Peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor
性索間質細胞瘤 Sex cord-stromal tumors
性態碼 Behavior Code
放射線治療 Radiotherapy
明示癌 specified carcinoma
明亮細胞癌 Clear cell carcinoma
直腸 rectum
非何杰金氏淋巴瘤 Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
非角化鱗狀細胞癌 Non-keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma
侵襲癌 Invasive Cancer
室管膜瘤 Ependymoma
急性骨髓性白血病 Acute myeloid leukemia
急性淋巴性白血病 Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
急性單核球白血病 Acute Monocytic Leukemia
星形細胞瘤 Astrocytoma
胚胎性癌 Embryonic carcinoma
生殖細胞瘤 Germ cell tumor
生殖細胞瘤及惡性畸胎瘤 Germ cell tumor and malignant teratoma
胃腸基質瘤 Gastrointestinal stromal sarcoma(GIST)
食道 Esophagus
原位癌 Carcinoma In Situ
原始性神經外胚層腫瘤 Primitive neuroectodermal tumor
氣管 trachea
氣管腺體癌 Bronchial gland carcinoma
浸潤性小葉癌 Infiltrating lobular carcinoma
浸潤性管道癌 Infiltrating ductal carcinoma
神經內分泌癌 Neuroendocrine carcinoma
神經母細胞瘤 Neuroblastoma
神經管芽細胞瘤 Medulloblastoma
脂肪肉瘤 Liposarcoma
胰島細胞癌 Islet cell carcinoma
脊索瘤 Chordoma
骨肉瘤 Osteosarcoma
副竇 accessory sinuses
國際疾病分類腫瘤學 International Classification of Diseases for Oncology; ICD-O
國際癌症研究總署 International Agency for Research on Cancer; IARC
基底細胞癌 basal cell carcinoma
淋巴球缺乏性何杰金氏淋巴瘤 Lymphocyte depletion Hodgkin's disease
淋巴瘤 lymphoma
混合性生殖細胞瘤 Mixed germ cell tumor
混合細胞性何杰金氏淋巴瘤 Mixed cellularity Hodgkin's disease
淚腺癌 Lacrimal gland carcinoma
移行細胞癌 Transitional cell carcinoma
粗死亡率 crude mortality rate (CMR)
細支氣管肺泡癌 Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma
組織形態 histologic type
荷爾蒙治療 Hormone therapy
軟骨肉瘤 Chondrosarcoma
富淋巴球性何杰金氏淋巴瘤 Lymphocyte Rich Classical Hodgkin's Lymphoma
惡性Muller 氏管混合性腫瘤 Malignant Müllerian mixed tumor
惡性Schwann氏細胞瘤 Malignant Schwannoma
惡性成釉細胞瘤 Malignant ameloblastoma
惡性星形細胞瘤 Malignant astrocytoma
惡性神經鞘瘤(包含惡性 Schwann 氏細胞瘤) Malignant nerve sheath tumor ( including malignant Schwannoma )
惡性胸腺瘤及胸腺癌 Malignant thymoma and thymic carcinoma
惡性脈絡叢乳頭瘤 Malignant choroid plexus papilloma
惡性骨巨大細胞瘤 Malignent giant cell tumor
惡性淋巴瘤 Malignant lymphoma
惡性混合性腫瘤 Malignant mixed tumor
惡性間皮瘤 Malignant mesothelioma
惡性黑色素瘤 Malignant melanoma
惡性嗜鉻細胞瘤 Malignant pheochromocytoma
惡性畸胎瘤 malignant teratoma
惡性腦膜瘤 Malignant meningioma
惡性葉狀腫瘤 Malignant phyllodes tumor
惡性纖維組織細胞瘤 Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma
惡性纖維組織細胞瘤和纖維肉瘤 Malignant fibrohistiocytoma and fibrosarcoma
發生率 Incidence Rate
結腸 Colon
絨毛膜癌 Choriocarcinoma
腎上腺皮質癌 Adrenal cortical carcinoma
腎母細胞瘤 nephroblastoma (wilms's tumor)
腎細胞癌 Renal cell carcinoma
視網膜母細胞瘤 Retinoblastoma
僅有死亡診斷的個案百分比 Percentage of Death Certificate Only Cases, DCO%
感覺神經芽細胞瘤 Esthesioneuroblastoma
滑膜肉瘤 Synovial sarcoma
經形態學證實的個案百分比 Percentage of Morphologically Verified Cases, MV%
腹膜 peritoneum
腺性鱗狀癌 Adenosquamous carcinoma
腺泡細胞癌 Acinar cell carcinoma
腺樣囊狀癌 Adenoid cystic carcinoma
腺癌 Adenocarcinoma
電子媒體 electronic media
寡樹突膠質細胞瘤 Oligodendroglioma
慢性骨髓性白血病 Chronic myeloid leukemia
慢性淋巴性白血病 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
腺管內癌及小葉原位癌 Intraductal carcinoma and lobular carcinoma in situ
腺管內癌 Intraductal carcinoma
精細胞瘤 Seminoma
膀胱 Bladder
鼻咽 Nasopharynx
寬韌帶 broad ligament
漿液性腺癌 Serous adenocarcinoma
漿細胞瘤 Plasma cell neoplasm
橫紋肌肉瘤 Rhabdomyosarcoma
輸卵管 fallopian tube
癌症防治法 Cancer Control Act
癌症登記 Taiwan Cancer registry
癌症登記工作手冊 cancer registration Manual
癌症登記委年報員會 Cancer Registry Advisory Board
膽管癌 Cholangiocarcinoma
黏液性腺癌 Mucinous adenocarcinoma
黏液表皮樣癌 mucoepidermoid carcinoma
濾泡性惡性淋巴瘤 Malignant lymphoma, follicular
濾泡性腺癌 Follicular adenocarcinoma
關節軟骨 articular cartilage
類癌腫瘤 Carcinoid tumor
攝護腺 Prostate gland
髓質癌 Medullary carcinoma
鱗狀細胞癌 Squamous cell carcinoma


中文 英文
口腔癌 Oral cancer
口腔黏膜檢查 Oral Cancer Screening
口腔自我檢查 Oral Cavity Self Examinations
檳榔子 areca nut
檳榔嚼塊 Betel quid
嚼檳榔 Chew betel nuts
健康九九衛生教育網 Health 99 website; Health 99 Education Resource
非政府間國際組織(民間及社區機構) Non-Governmental Organization, NGOs
致癌物 carcinogen
添加物 additive
十個口腔癌,九個哺檳榔 9 out of 10 oral cancer patients are belet chewers


中文 英文
生殖器疣(俗稱菜花) genital wart
子宮頸癌疫苗 Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine
四價疫苗 quadrivalent vaccine
嘉喜 Gardasil
保蓓 Cervarix
癌前病變 precancerous lesion
二價疫苗 bivalent vaccine
支氣管痙攣 bronchospasm
幼年型類風濕性關節炎 Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA)
視神經炎 optic neuritis
多發性硬化症 Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
免疫抑制劑 Immunosuppressant


中文 英文
口腔顎面外科 Oral and maxillofacial surgery
檳榔文化 Betel Nut Culture
Y世代 Y Generation
癌前病變 precancerous lesion
口腔黏膜檢查 Oral Cancer Screening
口腔黏膜下纖維化〈口腔硬化症〉 oral submucous fibrosis (OSF)
十個口腔癌,九個哺檳榔 Out of 10 Oral Cancer Patients, 9 are Betel Chewers


中文 英文
轉介追蹤服務 referral and follow-up service
全方位癌症防治策進計畫 Comprehensive Cancer Care Quality Improvement Project
癌症危險因子 cancer risk factors
癌症篩檢 Cancer Screening
癌症篩檢率之平均增加值 The average increase of cancer screening rates


中文 英文
B型肝炎帶原者 Hepatitis B Carrier
肝癌 liver cancer
B型肝炎 hepatitis B
B型肝炎表面抗原 HBsAg
B型肝炎e抗原 HBeAg
垂直感染 vertical transmission
慢性肝炎 chronic hepatitis
肝硬化 liver cirrhosis
肝癌 liver cancer
定期追蹤 regular checkup
無肝硬化 HBV carrier without cirrhosis
有肝硬化 HBV carrier with signs of cirrhosis
胎兒蛋白 AFP
抽菸 smoking
嚼檳榔 chewing betel nuts
過量飲酒 drink alcohol
人工添加 artificial additives
醃漬 picked foods
燻烤 smoked foods
黃麴毒素 aflatoxin
發酵食品 fermented foods
藥物或偏方 ingredients or remedies


中文 英文
慢性C型肝炎 Chronic Hepatitis C
肝癌 liver cancer
C型肝炎 hepatitis C
慢性 chronic
C型肝炎抗體 anti-HCV antibody
地區 region(s )
血液傳染 blood transmission
輸血 blood ttransfusion
消毒不完全 nonsterile medical equipment
器械(打針、刺青或穿耳洞的器械) sharing tattoo or piercing tools
性行為感染 unprotected sex
母子垂直感染 vertical transmission (mother to child)
疫苗 vaccine
肝硬化 liver cirrhosis
併發 progress
定期追蹤檢查 regular checkups
胎兒蛋白 AFP
超音波檢查 sonogram
抗病毒藥物治療 antiviral drugs
C型肝炎病毒 HCV
正常生活作息 regular daily routines
均衡飲食 a healthy, balanced diet
生活作息 daily routines
嚼檳榔 chewing betel quids
人工添加 artificial additives
醃漬 preserved
燻烤 smoked foods