




中文 英文
世界衛生組織菸草控制框架公約 WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, FCTC
世界衛生組織 World Health Organization, WHO
世界衛生大會 World Health Assembly, WHA
菸害防制法 Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act
菸酒管理法 The Tobacco and Alcohol Administration Act
菸害防制計畫 Tobacco Control Project
菸害防制 Tobacco Control
菸品健康福利捐 Tobacco Health and Welfare Surcharges
菸稅 Tobacco Tax
菸害訴訟 Tobacco Litigation
菸價 Tobacco Prices
菸品檢測 Tobacco Products Testing
菸草製品 Tobacco Products
菸品非法貿易 Illicit Trade of Tobacco Products
菸害防制法稽查及執行 Inspection And Enforcement for the Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act
菸品標示 Labeling of Tobacco Products
菸盒警示圖文 Pictorial Health Warnings on Tobacco Packages
菸害申訴 Complaints on Tobacco Hazards
菸害申訴專線 Complaints on Tobacco Hazards Hotline
禁菸區 Smoking-free Areas
授權廣告 Authorized Advertisements
捲菸 Cigarettes
電子尼古丁傳送系統 Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems, ENDS
電子非尼古丁傳送系統 Electronic Non-nicotine Delivery Systems (ENNDS)
電子煙 Electronic Cigarette, E-cigarette
加味菸 Flavored Cigarette
冠名贊助 Named Sponsorship


中文 英文
戒菸 Smoking Cessation
戒菸服務 Smoking Cessation Services
多元化戒菸服務 Multiple Smoking-Cessation Counseling Service
戒菸專線 Smokers' Helpline
戒菸班 Smoking Cessation Courses
二代戒菸服務 Second Generation Smoking Cessation Service
尼古丁替代療法 Nicotine Replacement Therapy, Nrt
尼古丁嚼錠 Nicotine Lozenge
尼古丁貼片 Nicotine Patch
尼古丁口香糖 Nicotine Gum
尼古丁 Nicotine
吸入劑 Inhaler
戒斷症狀 Withdrawal Symptoms
門診戒菸 Outpatient Smoking Cessation Services


中文 英文
菸害 Tobacco Hazard
二手菸 Second-hand Smoke, SHS
三手菸 Third-hand Smoke
禁菸場所 Non-smoking Places
禁菸區 Non-smoking Area, No Smoking Area
無菸區 Smoke-free Area
無菸環境 Smoke-free Environment
無菸校園 Smoke-free Campus
無菸醫院 Tobacco-free Hospitals
無菸家庭 Smoke-free Family
無菸生活 Smoke-free Life
無菸的家立體遊戲書 Tobacco-free Home 3D Gamebook
反菸品行銷計畫 Anti-tobacco-marketing Programs
世界無菸日 World No Tobacco Day
年輕族群場域菸害防制工作計畫 Project for Tobacco Control Work in Youth Group Area
校園菸害防制計畫 Campus Tobacco Hazards Prevention Program
全球無菸健康照護服務網絡 Global Network for Tobacco-free Healthcare Services


中文 英文
研究發展與監測 Research, Development and Monitoring
全球衛生專業人員吸菸調查 Global Health Professionals Survey, GHPS
全球學校教職員吸菸調查 Global School Personnel Survey, GSPS
全球吸菸監測系統 Global Tobacco Surveillance System, GTSS
長期吸菸行為監測系統 Long-Term Smoking Behavior Monitoring System
成人吸菸行為調查 Adult Smoking Behavior Survey, ASBS
全球青少年吸菸行為調查 Global Youth Tobacco Survey, GYTS
菸品檢測暨研究發展計畫 Tobacco Product Testing and Research Program
菸品資料申報系統 Tobacco Information Declaration System
吸菸率 Smoking Rate
戒菸率 Smoking-cessation Rate
18歲以上人口吸菸率 The Smoking Rate of Adults above the Age of 18


中文 英文
人力培育 Human Resource Training
衛生教育 Health Education
人力培育與國際交流合作 Human Resource Training And International Cooperation
縣市菸害防制交流工作坊 County/City Tobacco Hazards Exchange Workshop


中文 英文
衛生福利部菸害防制策進會設置要點 Tobacco Control Policy and Promotion Committee of Ministry of Health and Welfare
菸害防制策進會 Tobacco Control Policy and Promotion Committee
跨部會 Cross-department
召集人 Convenor
部長 Minister
次長 Deputy Minister
委員 Commissioner
工作小組 Task Force
署長 Director General
執行秘書 Executive Secretary