

Parent-Child Shared Reading science educational videos (English version)

  • 上架:2020/02/10
  • 更新:2020/02/10
  • 187MB
  • 00:02:48

Parent-Child Shared Reading not only cultivates parent-child interaction and intimacy, but also stimulate brain development, language development and understanding ability. Inspiring children's imagination and cultivating their creativity. Parents' voices have a powerful influence on newborn babies. Through storytelling, singing or reading nursery rhymes, will have an intimate and pleasant effect on babies. From now on, read with your children! The earlier the better.

Parent-Child Shared Reading science educational videos (English version)

187MB / 00:02:48

親子共讀科普教育影片 中文版

160MB / 00:02:48

共讀 自0歲開始(30秒)

11MB / 00:00:30

共讀 自0歲開始(120秒)

80MB / 00:02:10